By Brian Wawok



Marketing can be a continuous game of trial and error that can lead to wasted time or money. While implementing new tactics and keeping up with the latest trends is a part of the marketing cycle, there are certain performance metrics you can measure to make the cycle feel less like a guessing game.

Amazon Seller Marketing Opportunities

The Amazon platform offers a variety of avenues for sellers to market their listings — many of which are traditional marketing tactics that every business should be prioritizing to remain profitable.

The internal marketing channels that sellers have access to include:

  • Amazon SEO: This channel is driven by the quality of your content and organic traffic. Think: keywords, optimized product descriptions, competitive pricing, and positive reviews.
  • Amazon PPC: Amazon offers a substantial amount of pay-per-click or advertising opportunities to sellers. Think: sponsored ads or headline search ads.

While internal marketing on the Amazon platform is essential, it’s important for sellers to be marketing themselves externally to broaden their reach and drive sales. External marketing includes any channel that isn’t Amazon such as:

  • Social media (Facebook, Google, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, etc.)
  • Websites or blogs
  • Email marketing
  • Newsletters

During Amazon Accelerate, it was announced that there was a new feature coming to the platform. This new feature will give sellers more insight into how to market externally to customers not on Amazon. This would assist sellers in casting a larger net for their target audience.

Having a good mix of both internal and external marketing channels allows sellers to be more competitive and most importantly, increase revenue.

How Amazon Sellers Can Measure Marketing Performance

The main goal of marketing is to attract high-quality, converting leads. If you’re putting too much money into a campaign that isn’t yielding a high return, you’re wasting time.

Therefore, it’s important to monitor and track marketing performance. Amazon makes this simple for sellers with a few built-in features offered in Seller Central. From defining keywords to tracking the highest converting listing — sellers have access to the key marketing metrics that allow them to make more informed business decisions. In general, sellers should keep a pulse on these key performance indicators:

  • CTR or click-through rate
  • Reviews and ratings
  • Advertisement spent
  • Overall revenue
  • Customer Performance

You don’t have to be a marketing genius to start campaigns on Amazon. The marketing tools available to sellers are intuitive and quick to set up. You can also find educational videos and marketing training videos that Amazon offers exclusively to approved sellers on a continued basis.

Brian Wawok

Brian is the Co-Founder of Listing Mirror.