By Erin Wawok



Starting and running an eCommerce business is rewarding and exciting, but it is also hard work. Whether you have been operating your own business for many years, or are just about to make the leap from working for someone else to owning your own business, being an entrepreneur can be very difficult. Running your own business takes such a toll that it may impact your mental health. In this post, we will explain some of the best ways to take care of your mental health as an entrepreneur. 

The Mental Toll of Entrepreneurship

Mental health issues are on the rise in the United States, but the risk is even higher for entrepreneurs. A study by UC Berkeley found that nearly half of all entrepreneurs report having at least one mental health condition. When you look at the demands of running your own business, it is easy to see why so many entrepreneurs struggle with mental health. 

Schedule Free Time

Your mind and body need downtime to function properly. Not only does it ensure you have a balanced life, but downtime will also help you foster new ideas. Always remember to take breaks during the day and to schedule off days. When working from home or working on your own business, it is easy to forget the line between home and work and to always be working. Schedule your breaks and set a time to stop working for the day. 

Find a Relaxing Activity 

The life of an eCommerce business owner is nonstop. It is hard to shut your brain off, even during breaks or off time. Hobbies and workouts are important, but you also need time to truly relax. Incorporate an activity that you enjoy that promotes relaxation, such as meditation, yoga, reading, massages, or candle-lit baths. 

Exercise Regularly

Exercise has so many incredible benefits for the mind and body. Exercise is a great way to start your day and fire up your brain, but it can also help you de-stress. In general, exercise will help keep you in better shape while also improving your mood and sleep. Make exercise a priority, but pick activities that you enjoy. It is more important to get your body moving than it is to run yourself to the ground. 


Your business is your brain-child, and it is normal to want to have a hand in every part of it. As a new entrepreneur, you may even feel that you have no choice but to do every single thing yourself. Trying to handle too much will only negatively impact your business and your mental health. Delegate the tasks you do not have the time or expertise to handle. For example, you can hire a content writer to take care of writing all of those email newsletters, blog posts, and web copy that you need. Be realistic about the amount of work you can take on, and trust your team or contractors to help out with the rest. 

Stay Organized

The more cluttered your life and work is, the more stressful it will be. Plan out the year, quarter, month, week, and day. Make detailed (but realistic) to-do lists for you and your team so that you know exactly what must be done. Keep your files and documents in order so that it is easy to find things when you need them. Schedule work into your overall life schedule so that you are sure to dedicate the time to the other important things like family, hobbies, etc. 

One of the best ways to stay organized is to use a multichannel listing software to simplify and streamline listing management, order fulfillment, inventory syncing, and warehouse management. Simplify the process of growing your business with Listing Mirror. Click HERE to learn more and to get started. 

Seek Help When You Need It

Mental health struggles should not be taken lightly. If you are struggling to handle the demands of entrepreneurship, it may be time to seek help. Professional help may be the answer you are looking for. If the adjustments above are not quite enough, it is okay to ask for help from a professional. 

Listing Mirror is here to help you more easily manage your multichannel eCommerce business. Instead of manually updating all product listings and orders, rely on our #1 multichannel listing software to make the process pain-free. We offer integrations with top marketplaces, features, and partners. Learn more about how Listing Mirror can help you and start your risk-free trial HERE

Erin Wawok

Erin is the Co-Founder of Listing Mirror.